Nippon Connection
Tokyo University of the Arts: Animation Shorts
Thursday, May 30, 12:00
Naxoshalle Kino → Learn More
Once again, Nippon Connection will be screening a selection of recent films by students of the Graduate Programme in Animation at Tokyo University of the Arts (Geidai). Since opening the department in 2008, Geidai has produced top quality animated shorts and launched or boosted the careers of many artists. These year’s selection will be presented by Ilan Nguyen who is an adjunct instructor to the Department of Animation at Tokyo University of the Arts. Nguyen is well known in the international animation community, particularly in his native France and his adopted home of Japan, as an animation expert and historian. He also works as an interpreter for many prominent Japanese animation figures when they visit France and as a cultural programme coordinator for festivals and exhibitions. On Friday, June 31st at 13:30 in Mousonturm Studio 1, Nguyen will also be giving a memorial talk Remembering Isao Takahata: A Personal View on Post-War Japan’s Most Influential Animation Director.
The Body in the Mind
Atama no Karada
by Yumeno HOSHI / 星 夢乃
2019, 6’08”
Pickle Plum Parade
Umeboshi Patorōru
by Eri SASAKI / ささきえり
2019, 3’50”
Keep Forgetting
Nando demo Wasureyō
by Takahiro SHIBATA / しばたたかひろ
2019, 10’27”
Boozy Woozy Wonderland
Wandafuru Chidoriashi in Wandārando
by Shiika OKADA / 岡田 詩歌
2019, 2’25”
Nocturnal Roadwork
Yoru no Dōrokōji
Misuzu HASHIJI / 端地 美鈴
2019, 4’46”
Indoor Days
Hokani Denai Hi
by Asaki NISHINO / 西野 朝来
2019, 3’07”
by Kohei SAITO / 齊藤 光平
2019, 8’52”
The Death Vendor
by Jinkyu JEON / 全 振圭
2019, 5’40”
Hear the Snow Melt
Yukidoke wo Kiite
by Leina MURAMATSU / 村松 怜那
2019, 4’13”
Text Complex
ひ なんてなくなってしまえ
Hi Nante Nakunatte Shimae
by Haruka HIRAMATSU / 平松 悠
2019, 6’48”
Stay with Me
湿らない 腐らない おいしく まろやか
Shimaranai Kusaranai Oishiku Maruyaka
by Yuki MAEHATA / 前畑 侑紀
2019, 4’40”
Bath House of Whales
Kujira no Yu
by Mizuki KIYAMA / キヤマミズキ
2019, 6’34”
2019 Cathy Munroe Hotes