TAKU BODA (タクボーダ/Nice to See You Re-Mix, 2009) combines the animation genius of Taku Furukawa with the
technical wizardry of video game producer and CG animator Noriyuki Boda. It is a remake of Nice To See You (1975), a
wonderful little abstract film that Furukawa made on 16mm. TAKU
BODA starts and ends with the original film which was almost monochrome – just
black and green – and had no soundtrack.
The re-mix flips the original film on its head by injecting colour,
lively music, and three dimensional CG movement. The shapes and movement of the original film
are placed onto the sides of cubes which roll across a grey on white grid. The animation is as visually engaging as the accompanying
music, with lots of variety of patterns and shape size.
Nice To See You conveyed a message about how we interpret images; that
sometimes we need to change our perspective to see the bigger picture. A similar message is conveyed by TAKU BODA, but
with the added caveat that great art is created not just through exploring the
world from different perspectives, but also from being open to new methods and
tools. There are few films that blend
old and new animation practices with such harmony as TAKU BODA.
TAKU BODA appears on Takun Films 2, a new release by Anido
Films. The original version of Nice to
See You appears on Takun Films 1. Do
encourage Anido to release more gems of Japanese indie animation by shopping in
their online shop.
Catherine Munroe Hotes 2011