Hokkaido holds a special place in my heart because I met my husband in Sapporo during my year teaching at an eikawa many moons ago. I am not a dog person myself but my Tokyo-born daughter is crazy about them. In fact, her first word after "mama" and "papa" was "wan-wan" - the onomatopoeic word for puppy in Japanese / the sound of a dog barking in Japanese. On strolls through the streets of Tokyo, my baby daughter would point at every dog she saw and shout "wan-wan"! Needless to say, she was also a huge fan of Wan-wan the dog on Inai inai pa! (NHK) and would sing and dance along to Guru guru tokkan!.
Check out the German Nanoblock Facebook page or follow them on twitter for more cool nanoblock figurines. Click on any image to view as a slideshow.
cmmhotes 2013