25 January 2015

Japanese-German Satoyama Research Forum / 日独SATOYAMA研究フォーラム

Japanese-German Satoyama Research Forum

Part 9 of the series: Satoyama Concept in Fukui

On Saturday, August 27, 2014 a Satoyama Research Forum was held in Japanese at the Mikata Training Center (三方青年の家).  This event was open to the general public and well attended.  Speakers included Prof. Izumi Washitani (Tokyo) on the concept of ecological infrastructure in the outreach work of the Science Council of Japan, Prof. Tomohiro Ichinose (Keio) on ecological infrastructure in Europe, Dr. Stefan Hotes (Marburg/Gießen) on biodiversity and ecosystem services in Germany, and Prof. Takehiko Yoshida (Tokyo) on nature restoration, biodiversity and restoration services at Mikata-goko.  A welcome address to attendees was done by Andreas Kirchner, director of the Science and Technology division at the German Embassy in Tokyo.

In the evening all participants in the Japanese-German Satoyama Research Forum were welcomed in a reception, where they were able to meet with local community members interested in sustainable landscapes and cultures. 

The following day, speakers from Germany and Japan participated in an English-language forum:

Perception and valuation of satoyama ecosystems:
Approaches from natural sciences, economics, and the arts

Date:  Sunday, August 26, 2014, 13:30 - 18:00
Location: Fukui Prefecture International Exchange Meeting Hall


Opening Speech

Spatial economic modelling as a tool for integrating ecosystem services into land management
Amanda Eigner and Ernst-August Nuppenau (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)      

The challenge of sustainable use and continued biocultural diversity in a satoyama landscape on the west side of Lake Biwa, Shiga, Japan
Katsue Fukamachi (Kyoto University)     

Ecological restoration of the Five Lakes of Mikata: Current status and future challenges
Takehito Yoshida (The University of Tokyo)      

Cultural and social changes impacted by the environmental conservation in the coastal region of Kilwa, Tanzania
Ryo Nakamura (Fukui Prefectural Satoyama-Satoumi Research Institute)      

Using ecosystem function models as tools for integrating ecosystem services into landscape management decisions
Andrea Früh-Müller (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)      

Characterizing cultural landscapes from an ecological viewpoint: An example from central Hesse, Germany
Keiko Sasaki (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)      

Vegetation restoration in a floodplain wetland, Watarase wetland, Japan
Jun Ishii (Fukui Prefectural Satoyama-Satoumi Research Institute)      

Local revitalization through sustainable use of satoyama resources by involving urban citizens
Sora Fukushima (Fukui Prefectural Satoyama-Satoumi Research Institute)     

Detecting the exact timing of paddy field landscape formation using varved sediments
Junko Kitagawa (Fukui Prefectural Satoyama-Satoumi Research Institute)       

Ecocritical views of satoyama in Japanese popular culture
Catherine Munroe Hotes (Nishikata Film Review)      

Funding opportunities for research collaborations and mobility through the programmes of the DAAD
Franziska Kekulé (German Academic Exchange Service [DAAD] Tokyo Office) 

Discussion and Closing Remarks